(60 tablets of 1.2 gr. e.a.)
Actives:saw palmetto, nettle, american ginseng, ginkgo, taurine, B vitamins and minerals, panthenol, biotin, cysteine
Indications: anti hair loss
Results: 8 actions in few days
Homecare supplement
Dietary supplements are not intended as substitutes for a varied diet.
A nutritional supplement containing extracts of Serenoa, Nettle, American Ginseng, Ginkgo, Taurine, B vitamins and minerals.
Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, gelatin, calcium phosphate bi-base, Pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) bark dry extract titra- ted at 95% in protoantocianidine, Astaxanthin derived from alga Haematococcus pluvialis; Antiplatelet agents: vege- table magnesium stearate, colloidal silica.
Indications: HS is a supplement that can contribute to the maintenance of physiological structure of hair (biotin) and their pigmentation (copper). The extract of Ginkgo plays an antioxidant action whereas vitamin B9 and iodine contri- bute to the physiologic energy metabolism.
Information: the use of vitamin B complex has long been known for facilitating the different metabolic activities. In particular in the HS supplement, the use of Biotin contributes to the maintenance of physiological structure of hair while vitamin B9 intervenes in the process of cell division. In combination with these, vitamins B1 and B5 contribute to the phy- siologic energy metabolism.
Among the minerals used by the integrator HS there is the Copper which contributes to the pigmentation of the hair and the Iodine which is involved in energy metabolism. The associations of plant extracts developed and used in the HS Supplement play an effective antioxidant action conferred by titrated extracts of Ginkgo and Tonic, American Ginseng Extract, useful in case of stress.
How to use (recommended) : 2 tablets daily, preferably during or after meals. Warning: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.
The supplements are not intended as a substitute for a varied diet and a healthy lifestyle. Keep out of the reach of children under 3 years of age.
Use is not recommended in women of childbearing age and subjects of both sexes in pre-pubertal age.
Store in a cool, dry place. The expiry date refers to the product properly stored in unopened containers.
How does it work?
It is understood that men with male / female pattern hair loss have increased levels of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp. DHT contributes to a shortening of the growth phase and a thinning of the hair. HS anti-dht hairloss supplement lowers the levels of DHT in the scalp and serum by blocking 5 alpha-reductase, an important enzyme involved in regulating the hair follicle. It contributes to the normalization of the hair growth cycle and the reversal of the hair loss process naturally and without the use of prescription drugs.
When can I see results?
The hair growth cycle and pattern is often stubborn to change and once hair damage has been done, it can take some time to restore growth habits. You may experience changes in as little as two weeks. Long-term benefits however require some months of continuous use and you can also boost the results through leading a healthy lifestyle.
Are there any side effects?
HS tablets offer a combination of natural ingredients that reduce the risk of severe side effects. You may be allergic to an ingredient; therefore we recommend that you check all ingredients to make ure you aren’t allergic to any.
Urtica dioica
Recent studies have conclusively shown that TNF-a plays a central role in the genetically programmed death (apoptosis) of hair cells in MPB (androgenetic alopecia). In fact, it is considered by several leading researchers to be the most significant factor in hair cell death, even possibly more significant than DHT. Surprisingly, the leaves of the common stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) have been found to contain substances that affect cytokine levels in the human body, particularly TNF-a. Nettle leaf extract has a long tradition as a medical remedy in Germany for inflammatory conditions such a rheumatoid arthritis and allergic rhinitis.
Saw palmetto
Saw palmetto extract comes from berries of the palm tree Saw palmetto (Serenoa repens) which is indigenous to the Atlantic Southeast coast of North America. Studies have shown that Saw palmetto is an effective anti-androgen. Firstly it lowers levels of DHT in the body by blocking 5 alpha-reductase. Secondly Saw Palmetto blocks receptor sites on cell membranes required for cells to absorb DHT. Studies have been performed on the use of Saw palmetto in the treatment of benign prostatic disease which similar to Androgenetic Alopecia also depends on the production of dihydrotestosterone(DHT). All of the studies that have been performed to date show that Saw palmetto is an effective anti-androgen and has shown conclusively to be effective in the treatment of benign prostate disease. One may assume from this that since Saw palmetto is an effective anti-androgen. More and more people around the globe are starting to use Saw palmetto in the treatment of Androgenetic alopecia
Beta-sitosterols appear to inhibit the action of the enzyme 5-alpha- reductase, which converts testosterone into dHt. It is one of the main contributing factors to alopecia.
lso known as Vitamin B7 or Vitamin H, biotin renews cells, helps bind fatty acids together and works to convert food into energy. Many of the B-vitamins are important for healthy hair, but biotin is especially helpful in making the hair more beautiful. It will help create thicker hair for those who suffer from low to moderate hair loss. Pregnant women should be careful when taking biotin as extremely low levels and extremely high levels have been known to cause problems with the fetus.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B has been shown in several clinical studies to assist with hair growth. Testosterone, which is converted to DHT, shrinks hair follicles and shortens the hair growth cycle. This is one of the leading causes of hair loss. Vitamins for hair loss that include B6 bind to the testosterone receptors, blocking their effect on hair. B vitamins help reduce stress by assisting in the production of neurotransmitters like serotonin.
Taurine is a naturally occurring beta-amino acid produced by methionine and cysteine metabolism. It is involved in a variety of physiological functions, including immunomodulatory and antifibrotic. Taking advantage of the ability of human hair follicle grown in vitro to recapitulate most of the characteristic features of normal hair follicle in vivo, we studied taurine uptake by isolated human hair follicles; its effects on hair growth and survival rate; and its protective potential against transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta1, an inhibitor of in vitro hair growth and a master switch of fibrotic program. We showed that taurine was taken up by the connective tissue sheath, proximal outer root sheath and hair bulb, promoted hair survival in vitro and prevented TGF-beta1-induced deleterious effects on hair follicle. In 2006 to a French study published in the journal "International Journal of Cosmetic Science", some researchers have confirmed that when the hair bulb takes taurine, increases survival of the hair (test tube) and fights a specific inhibitor of hair growth called TGP.
Because folate is important for tissue growth and cell function, it is essential that the body he has a sufficient amount to produce skin, healthy hair and nails, as these body parts must regenerate rapidly. Consequently, folic acid helps to prevent the loss of hair. It may also be a factor which delays the graying of hair.
Iodine can have a part in hair fall because it directly affects the thyroid which, in turn, influence the health of the hair follicles. Hair follicles are delicate and very susceptible to damage. If you are healthy, the follicles are growing hair shiny, strong and healthy, but if they are not going exactly the opposite.
Copper contributes to the formation of hemoglobin in the red blood cells and helps carry oxygen in red blood cells. A diet deficient in copper hinders the body to produce hemoglobin required to carry the necessary amount of blood to the hair roots. When the hair does not have the vitamins and minerals they need, they die and fall off. The amount of hair loss that depends on the entity known as a consequence of the lack of copper.
Since niacin has the effect of dilation of blood vessels and capillaries, it is believed that this increases the blood flow to the scalp and can stimulate their growth.
Root Extract American Ginseng
Ginseng is a wonderful herb that has many benefits. One of these is that it increases the stimulation and improves circulation. This helps those who suffer the loss, weakening or damage to the hair. Ginseng also removes toxins that can clog hair follicles, slowing or stopping the growth of new hair.